March 06, 2020

SamanthaMing Weekly

How to Check if Array Includes a Value in JavaScript Tidbit

Code Recipe to check if an array includes a value in JavaScript using ES6 "includes"

Building my New Site with Tailwind CSS Blog

Building my new site with Tailwind. Why I made the switch from Bulma. My thoughts on using Tailwind, the pros and challenges. Read my review...

📚What I'm Learning


Documenting my journey as a developer

Assume positive intent and invite correction

Whenever I respond to a comment on my post, I always assume positive intent. Say someone comments on something that I think is incorrect. I'll state it but I always leave room for them to correct me. Why? because you don't know what you don't know 🙋🏻‍♀️

And often time, I am wrong 😂. But because I responded in a way that invites correction and done respectively, people often reciprocate in the same manner and teach me something new. However, if I put my ego first and responded by saying "no, you're wrong", this person might either angrily respond and make me look like a fool to stick it to me OR worse they leave without correcting me and I'm forever stuck with this incorrect knowledge. Regardless, I become the loser because I lost an opportunity to learn 😞

I see this often on social media. We don't like being challenged and we are triggered to comments that are opposite of ours. I get it. It's never a great feeling to have someone tell you you're wrong. Especially if someone comes at it really strong 😖 Btw, being jerk doesn't help your cause at all, kindness is the real competitive advantage, more on this next time 👍

If we can start assuming positive intent of the other person. Instead of squashing the conversation, we can open up the conversation, I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the new knowledge you will gain 💪