You can use blanks to skip over unwanted values in JavaScript. Perfect to avoid creating useless variable assignments for values you donβt want during destructuring...
A cool tool to find the git command in plain English
Documenting my journey as a developer
Education is how we change people's minds
Often when we're junior, we take the words of senior developers as gold. And we see it a lot on social media. People's quick judgement to label things as bad or telling you NOT to do something. And if you question them, they'd remark snarkily " Because I have 20+ years of experience" or "You won't understand" π³
Posturing or using intimidation doesn't help one's case, it just creates confusion and fear. Education is how we change people's minds. We need to explain WHY. And let them make the decision. We shouldn't force our way onto someone else. Because we don't understand all their nuances. That's why I always say the best solution is what works best for you. I can only vouch for what works for me. If that resonates, great. But if it doesn't, that's okay too. My goal is to expand your toolkit. So you have all the tools available to choose from. Certain tools work great in certain situations, and some just aren't suitable. At least you have the choice to choose.
Btw, this is not a venting post π I just want to share my thoughts with all of you. This is the type of senior developer I want to become. Someone who explains why, someone who deploys empathy towards others, and someone who maintains a student mindset to always be humble to learn ππ»ββοΈ
I want to become a senior developer that others respect because of her kindness and not out of fear. I hope that's something you all aspire too as well π